葛西 健(WHO西太平洋地域事務局長)

健康都市連合は、都市開発によりもたらされる課題の中で健康推進に取り組む強固な都市のネットワークであり、WHOはおよそ20年にわたり緊密な協力関係を築いてきたことに満足しています。私は、「市民の健康と福祉が都市の最も重要な財産である」という健康都市プログラムのビジョンを強く信じています。そして、今回の国際大会のテーマである「COVID-19を超えた よりスマートで健康な都市」は、この困難な時代の中、時代を超えてより良い健康成果を達成する方法について、強力なメッセージを発信するものと思います。
世界的には、2050年までに3人に2人が都市で生活すると予測されています。こうした中、SDGsは、都市を包括的で、安全で、強靱で、持続可能にする目標を設定しています。西太平洋地域が健康都市とSDGsに取り組むことで、世界に先駆けた課題解決の機会を得るはずです。そのためにWHO西太平洋地域委員会は、加盟国やパートナーと協力するためのビジョン「未来に向けて 最も健康で安全な地域を目指して」を2019年10月に採択しました。
For the Future : Towards the Healthiest and Safest Region : a Vision for the WHO Work with Member States and Partners in the Western Pacific
Dr. Takashi Kasai, Regional Director of the regional office of Western Pacific World Health Organization
The alliance has become a strong political movement of the cities in the regions committed to advancing health in the agenda of urban development, and we are pleased to have worked closed with you for more than a decade. I share the healthy cities program's common vision that the citizens health and well-being are city's most important assets, and I am sure that the cities which pay attention to it will have a different future. I think this year' theme, smart healthy cities beyond Covid 19, sends powerful message about how better health outcomes can be better achieved in and beyond these difficult times.
Covid 19 has impacted millions of people across the regions, yet there have been marked geographical differences within and across countries especially at the sub-national and local levels. So, I appreciate the program's strong movements for public health which has promoted innovative health initiatives and policies that create co-benefits between health, well-being, and quality of life at the local level to ensure that these issues are high on the cities’ agenda. The Western Pacific Region is rapidly changing with increased urbanizations and economic growth, and it is a home to some of the worst mega cities. More than half of the population lives in the urban areas and the proportion continues to increase.
Globally projected that two out three people will live in urban environments by 2050.The Sustainable Development Goals include ambitions to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, and it presents a key window opportunity as the Western Pacific Region continues to face both new and persistent challenges.
To support their achievement, WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific adapted For the Future in October 2019.This For the Future Vision articulates a shared vision acting today to address the challenges of tomorrow with the goal of making the Western Pacific the healthiest and safest regions. The background is simple. If we only act on the issue today which were caused by yesterday, then we will always be behind. Cities and urban settings are increasingly at the forefront of effectively operationalize not just SDGs but also other national plans, Covid 19 preparedness, and response measures.
The marked geographical variation, Covid 19 transmission, and number of deaths observed within and across cities is significantly influenced by the strategy adopted at the local level, and how cities have operationalized national and regional plans. Some cities have become national epidemic center of Covid 19 due to challenges forced by high population density living circumstances and other conditions that make the virus spread easily. Some cities succeeded in early actions, but we are still affected by the neighboring cities experiencing the outbreaks, and cities which once experienced outbreaks successfully suppressed but then the virus comes back from other cities.
To achieve global, regional and national demands, a local governance, and mayor have the power to take multi-sectoral decisions, create incentives to work together and make resources available. We have been observing that they have been a key-players in responding to Covid 19, and they can also be a champions when it comes to preparing for the future where Covid pandemic is going to be epidemic. City leaders have unique ability to integrate health into broader agendas for sustainability as well as addressing the practicality of creating healthy environments and setting Covid 19 and beyond. Due to surge in the transmission of the virus and recurrent movements restrictions, Covid 19 is forcing a transformation in how we are born, grow, live, work, play and age. Public health and social measures have been the main stain of the response. The sudden change brought by pandemic now have potential to become a long term.
History tells us that crisis push us to the future. We are seeing digital connectivity access to health care including mental health services, sage transportation system, and accessible green spaces becoming more recognized as important to sustaining a thriving society. This has provided an opportunity for city's urban planners, governments, academics, health sectors, and other sectors to come together to consider what health and well-being in cities really looks like. Investing early innovative ways of meeting these new shifting priorities is important for meeting people's health, well-being needs, and creating a sustainable thriving society.
For many people, urbanization have created a positive life opportunity, however, other risks being left behind as rapid development compounded by Covid 19 has fueled greater health and social inequity with communities living in the vulnerability experiencing this proportionate impact of the pandemic. Average level of health can hide the effect of socio-economic inequality within urban areas. The rising level of poverty in urban areas has resulted in shelter deprecations and increased sun-like living conditions for more than one billion people around the world. The lack of adequate access to sanitation facilities, health services, and social safety nets are often built on dangerous and unsanitary sites.
The term, urban advantage, suggests living in urban environment automatically stimulates improved health and well-being; however, the concept is only true when improved equitable heathy outcomes are actively addressed through policy intervention, gender and equity lens is adopted, and no one left behind. The needs of vulnerable population play increased demand on the limited capacity, resources of health care system and city infrastructure, as such sustainability enhancing health and well-being of vulnerable population is the key to society.
Behaviors and social contracts evolve over time and are influenced by many social and economic factors such as income, commodity prices, individual preferences, beliefs, cultural traditions, geographical and environmental aspects. This underscores the importance of putting communities at the center to address health challenges and ensure policies, and practices are inclusive, equitable, and reflecting of the realities on the ground not just today but for the future. Throughout the pandemic, we have seen communities and stakeholders coming together to drive innovation to address local health challenges and support social cohesion. Successful cities have adopted grounds up community center solution which led to policy innovations and interventions that are implemented in an inclusive and sustainable manner to reflect communities’ reality on the grounds.
Future scenarios of Covid 19 depends on many factors including how the virus evolve, government decision on preparedness and response, global vaccine coverage, and regional and global solidarity to control Covid 19. But another very important factor is human behavior and environment that we live in which drives the spread of the virus. While several countries in the regions continue to successfully suppress the transmission, globally the virus will not disappear soon.
I think now is the good time for cities reassess their approaches towards Covid 19, and consider adjusting their response to the changing landscape, and develop a visions and plan for endemic Covid 19 according to their situations. Of course, taking into consider their social context value recommends that countries consider developing a plan to strengthen their health system and public health capacity over the coming months to better facilitate the transition through a global endemic Covid 19 scenario. For the Asia Pacific strategy for emerging diseases, technical advisory groups, recognize that strengthening response capacity at sub-national and national levels are needed for Covid 19 response.
And again, city play a key role. Cities can support national multi-sectoral plans through implementation of necessary social measure and risk-based intervention; and with the early detections and response, transmission can be suppressed. Cities should increase capacity for early detection on high-risk clusters; for example, among the vulnerable groups and high risk setting such as care home, school, and health-care facilities. New innovative approach and new technology create significant opportunity for city to take early actions to prepare for the future, address the diverse needs of their population so that everyone receives the support they need.
Cities must be prepared to face these future risks. No cities immune regardless of the size or the stage of development; and Covid 19 has provided momentum for cities through stepping up engagement with other sectors such as transport, energy, food production, water resources, and urban planning, with sustained coordinated and equitable actions at all levels.
WHO is proud to continue working with the partners towards achieving our shared vision.
Thank you very much and I wish you all a successful conference.
葛西 健(かさい たけし)氏
1990 年慶應義塾大学医学部卒業。旧厚生省(現厚生労働省)に入省後、岩手県高度救命救急センターにて勤務。その後、厚生省保健医療局結核感染症課国際感染症専門官、厚生労働省大臣官房国際課課長補佐、宮崎県福祉保健部次長等を歴任。ロンドン大学衛生熱帯医学大学院で修士号を取得。感染症や健康危機管理の専門家としての WHO での勤務は 15 年以上にわたり、アジア太平洋地域の新興感染症への対応や感染症危機管理対策の枠組み構築などに尽力。2006 年 WHO西太平洋地域事務局感染症対策課長として着任後、同地域事務局健康危機管理部長を経て、2012 年 WHO ベトナム代表に就任。同国における公衆衛生に対する多大な貢献が認められ、2014 年ベトナム政府から「国民のための健康勲章」を受賞。その後、WHO 西太平洋地域事務局次長兼事業統括部長を経て、2018 年10月におこなわれた WHO 西太平洋地域事務局長選挙において当選。WHO執行理事会の承認を経て2019年2月に着任した。